
148 Results

148 Results

Camille Helminski

The Light of Dawn : Daybook of Verses from the Holy Qur'an

from ₱327.15

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The Holy Qur'an, revealed through the Prophet Muhammad in the early seventh century, continues to provide guidance to billions of people throughout the world. In this inspiring daybook of 365 verses, Dr. Camille Helminski has chosen essential excerpts that might be of nourishment to anyone interested in the unfolding Spirit, whether or not they are committed to the path of Islam.

from ₱327.15

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Sandra Mackey

The Saudis : Inside the Desert Kingdom

from ₱492.75

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The book is recommended for those who seek to understand the kingdom from an insight outside of the Kingdom. Mackey provides a well-detailed account of Saudi Arabia's unique culture and politics, its metamorphosis from a desert kingdom to world power, its struggle to maintain an influential stance in the modern world. Her insider knowledge is invaluable to anyone seeking to comprehend the complexities of the kingdom.

from ₱492.75

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Abdurrahman Al-Sheha

Muhammad, The Messenger Of Allah - May Allah Exalt His Mention

from ₱192.15

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This book talks about the life story of Muhammad, may Allah exalt his mention, and his beautiful manners. It also brings to light statements for contemporary figures in Western society, who spoke favorably of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah exalt his mention.

from ₱192.15

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Robin Wright

Dreams And Shadows : The Future of the Middle East

from ₱481.95

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The transformation of the Middle East is an issue that will absorb-and challenge-the world for generations to come; Dreams and Shadows is the book to read to understand the sweeping political and cultural changes that have occurred in recent decades. Drawing on thirty-five years of reporting in two dozen countries-through wars, revolutions, and uprisings as well as the birth of new democracy movements and a new generation of activists-award-winning journalist and Middle East expert Robin Wright has created a masterpiece of the reporter's art and a work of profound and enduring insight into one of the most confounding areas of the world.

from ₱481.95

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Jean Sasson

Mayada: Daughter Of Iraq

from ₱313.65

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Mayada: Daughter of Iraq is a powerful memoir that details the life of a privileged Iraqi woman who finds herself in a notorious prison, falsely accused of printing anti-government propaganda. The book offers a unique perspective on the terror and horror brought by Saddam Hussein's regime upon the lives and souls of ordinary citizens. This book would be a great read for those interested in memoirs, stories of survival, and the power of sisterhood in the face of adversity.

from ₱313.65

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Deborah Scroggins

Wanted Women : Faith, Lies, and the War on Terror: The Lives of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Aafia Siddiqui

Regular price ₱410.40 from ₱287.10 Save up to 30%

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This book provides a unique perspective on the lives of two Muslim women, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Aafia Siddiqui, who took opposite paths in life due to their different beliefs. The book discusses their struggles against extremism, exploring their pasts as well as the controversial details of their lives. It is a must-read for those interested in the complexities of faith, feminism, and power in today's world.

Regular price ₱410.40 from ₱287.10 Save up to 30%

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Waleed Aly

People Like Us

from ₱474.30

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No two civilisations have spoken so many words about each other in recent years as those of Islam and the West. And no two seem to have communicated less. People Like Us confronts the themes that define this chasm head-on: women, jihad, secularism, terrorism, Reformation and modernity. Its piercing examination of these subjects reveals our thoughtless and destructive tendency to assume that the world's problems could be solved if only everyone became more like us. The result is deep mutual ignorance and animosity, reinforced by both Muslim and Western commentators.As a Muslim born and raised in Australia, Waleed Aly stands at the intersection of these two civilisations. In this book, he draws on his knowledge of Western and Islamic intellectual traditions to present an analysis that is surprising and challenging, but always enlightening.

from ₱474.30

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David Broder, Christine Delphy

Separate And Dominate - Feminism And Racism After The War On Terror

from ₱192.15

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This book is a thought-provoking feminist manifesto that highlights the hypocrisy of liberal feminism and how it supports racist measures. Christine Delphy provides a unique perspective on the false opposition between different political struggles and calls for a universalism that doesn't sacrifice anyone at the expense of others. She argues against criminalizing Islam in the name of feminism and shows how the invasion of Afghanistan had nothing to do with saving women. This book could be a good read for those interested in feminist theory and politics, especially those who want to better understand the intersection of feminism and racism.

from ₱192.15

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Rashid Khalidi

Resurrecting Empire : Western Footprints and America's Perilous Path in the Middle East

from ₱288.90

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Begun as the United States moved its armed forces into Iraq, Rashid Khalidi's powerful and thoughtful new book examines the record of Western involvement in the region and analyzes the likely outcome of our most recent Middle East incursions. Drawing on his encyclopedic knowledge of the political and cultural history of the entire region as well as interviews and documents, Khalidi paints a chilling scenario of our present situation and yet offers a tangible alternative that can help us find the path to peace rather than Empire.We all know that those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Sadly, as Khalidi reveals with clarity and surety, America's leaders seem blindly committed to an ahistorical path of conflict, occupation, and colonial rule. Our current policies ignore rather than incorporate the lessons of experience. American troops in Iraq have seen first hand the consequences of U.S. led "democratization" in the region. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict seems intractable, and U.S. efforts in recent years have only inflamed the situation. The footprints America follows have led us into the same quagmire that swallowed our European forerunners. Peace and prosperity for the region are nowhere in sight.This cogent and highly accessible book provides the historical and cultural perspective so vital to understanding our present situation and to finding and pursuing a more effective and just foreign policy.

from ₱288.90

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Aisha Utz

Psychology From The Islamic Perspective

from ₱192.15

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Book DescriptionPsychology is one of the most intriguing scientific disciplines as humans are inherently curious about their own nature. Ironically, there are a multitude of theories and explanations that mislead and confuse the very same creatures that they are meant to describe. Allah has blessed us with guidance in all facets of our lives, including that of our own souls and psyches. Islam offers an uncomplicated, comprehensive, and precise theory of our spiritual nature, our purpose and priorities in life, and how we can attain serenity and happiness in this life and the next.This book is a humble effort to expound upon the true conceptualization of human psychology based upon the Qur'an and Sunnah. Moreover, Dr. Utz includes specific references to scientific research that corresponds to, and builds upon, what is already known from revelation.

from ₱192.15

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Tom Segev, Haim Watzman

One Palestine, Complete : Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate

from ₱679.50

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This book is for history enthusiasts interested in understanding the origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Segev's use of previously untapped materials provides a fresh perspective on the period. His radical argument that the British favored the Zionist position, out of anti-Semitic beliefs, is thought-provoking and controversial. The rich characters and multiple perspectives presented in the book make it a compelling and informative read.

from ₱679.50

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Akbar Ahmed

Islam Today : A Short Introduction to the Muslim World

from ₱192.15

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Although there are over one billion Muslims in the world, and over ten million in the West, most discussions of Islam are based on clichés or outright prejudice. This lively and compelling book sets out to bridge the gulf of misunderstanding. Islam, argues Akbar Ahmed, does not mean the subordination of women, contempt for other religions, opposition to the modern world, or barbaric punishments for petty crimes. One cannot fully come to terms with modern Islam without understanding its sources and traditions.

from ₱192.15

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Ross E. Dunn, Ibn Battuta

The Adventures Of Ibn Battuta - A Muslim Traveler Of The Fourteenth Century

from ₱192.15

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Ross Dunn here recounts the great traveler's remarkable career, interpreting it within the cultural and social context of Islamic society and giving the reader both a biography of an extraordinary personality and a study of the hemispheric dimensions of human interchange in medieval times.

from ₱192.15

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Karen White, Martha C. Nussbaum, Nikolaus de Palézieux

The New Religious Intolerance : Overcoming the Politics of Fear in an Anxious Age

from ₱519.30

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in combating the rising tide of religious intolerance. Nussbaum explores the roots of fear that lead to biased laws and policies, and offers practical solutions to help us move towards a more open and inclusive future. Her emphasis on empathetic imagination and cultivating curiosity is particularly refreshing, and provides a valuable roadmap for readers looking to build greater understanding across religious lines. Overall, "The New Religious Intolerance" is an important and inspiring read.

from ₱519.30

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Albert Hourani

History of Arab Peoples

from ₱402.30

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Encyclopedic and panoramic in its scope, this fascinating work chronicles the rich spiritual, political, and cultural institutions of Arab history through 13 centuries.No region in the world today is more important than the Middle East: no people more misunderstood than the Arabs. In this definitive masterwork, distinguished Oxford historian Albert Hourani offers the most lucid, enlightening history ever written on the subject. From the rise of Islam to the Palestinian issue, from the Prophet Mohammed to Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi. A History of the Arab Peoples chronicles the rich spiritual, political and cultural institutions of this civilization through thirteen centuries of war, peace, literature and religion. Lauded by authorities, encyclopedic and panoramic in its scope, here is a remarkable window on today's conflicts and on the future of a glorious and troubled land.

from ₱402.30

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Khaled Abou El Fadl

The Great Theft

Regular price ₱440.55 from ₱292.05 Save up to 36%

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If you're seeking to deepen your understanding of Islam beyond media headlines, "The Great Theft" offers a compelling dive into the internal struggle between moderates and extremists. Khaled Abou El Fadl, an esteemed Islamic scholar, provides clarity on the complexities of Islamic beliefs, practices, and the urgent quest for moderation within the faith. This book is a valuable read for anyone interested in the dynamics shaping modern Islam and in the intellectual debates that will impact its future.

Regular price ₱440.55 from ₱292.05 Save up to 36%

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Bamber Gascoigne

A Brief History of the Great Moghuls : India's Most Flamboyant Rulers

from ₱199.80

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A Brief History of the Great Moghuls is a must-read for history buffs and those who are interested in Indian history. The book provides a unique and engaging picture of the way of life of India's most flamboyant rulers, their passions, and their sophisticated system of administration, which stabilized the greater part of India. The book also features ravishingly beautiful photographs that allow readers to fully immerse themselves in the history.

from ₱199.80

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Jean Sasson

Love In A Torn Land

from ₱365.85

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This book is a gripping memoir that uncovers the true story of a woman named Joanna who survived genocide in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s reign. It explores themes of love, resilience, and the human will to survive against all odds. Through Joanna’s first-hand accounts, readers are able to experience the horror of living in a war-torn country, where women faced daily struggles of oppression, violence, and fear. This book is a must-read for those interested in history, memoirs, and the resilience of the human spirit.

from ₱365.85

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Sophia Rose Arjana

Pilgrimage in Islam: Traditional and Modern Practices

from ₱313.65

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This book is a comprehensive exploration of Islamic pilgrimage, going beyond the traditional focus on Mecca and Karbala. It delves into the wide array of sacred sites visited by Muslim pilgrims around the world, shedding light on the richness and diversity of this religious practice. The author provides a thorough analysis of pilgrimage as a ritual, addressing contemporary issues such as technology's impact on religious journeys. Written in an accessible manner, it is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the global significance of Islamic pilgrimage.

from ₱313.65

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Asad Tarsin

Being Muslim: A Practical Guide

from ₱192.15

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Being A Practical Guide is a new book written to help Muslims of all backgrounds learn and practice their faith. Being Muslim is a compilation of essential concepts and timeless wisdom compiled from over 20 reliable authorities in Islam, bringing all of these components together in one convenient, easily readable guide. This book is meant to give readers practical and useful knowledge that can help them understand what it means to be Muslim. Whether you are completely new to the religion or need to brush up on some of the basics, Being Muslim is an excellent guide to reconnect to the most essential aspects of Islam. The entire manual clearly explains the most fundamental aspects of the faith and assumes no background knowledge at all.

from ₱192.15

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Abdur Raheem Kidwai

Daily Wisdom: Islamic Prayers and Supplications

from ₱365.85

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This book could be a good read for individuals looking for daily spiritual guidance through Islamic prayers and supplications. The book offers a year-round collection of reliable and authentic prayers accompanied by the Arabic text, making it easy to follow along. Users may appreciate the convenience of having a daily prayer companion that offers guidance, comfort, and peace of mind.

from ₱365.85

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Hugh Kennedy

The Great Arab Conquests : How the Spread of Islam Changed the World We Live in

from ₱288.90

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Recommendation: This book is a must-read for history enthusiasts who want to dive deep into the transformative power of Islam. Hugh Kennedy masterfully weaves together the stories of people, armies, and events that led to the rapid spread of Islam across vast regions. With its engaging storytelling and comprehensive research, this book sheds light on how the Arab conquests changed the world we live in today. Get ready for a captivating journey through history!

from ₱288.90

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Graham E. Fuller

A World Without Islam

from ₱319.95

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A WORLD WITHOUT ISLAM challenges popular misconceptions and simplistic narratives about the relationship between Islam, the West, and global conflicts. Through a rich historical analysis, Fuller illustrates the complex and dynamic socio-political realities and power struggles that shape global conflicts, instead of reducing them to religious or civilizational clashes. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a more nuanced understanding of the world's most pressing issues.

from ₱319.95

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Elaine Sciolino

Persian Mirrors

from ₱337.05

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As a correspondent for Newsweek and The New York Times, Elaine Sciolino has had more experience covering Iran than any other American reporter. She was aboard the airplane that took Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to Tehran in 1979 and was there for the Iranian revolution, the hostage crisis, the Iran-Iraq war, the rise of President Khatami, and the riots of the summer of 1999. In Persian Mirrors , Sciolino takes us into the public and private spaces of Iran and uncovers an alluring and seductive nation where a great battle is raging -- not for control over territory, but for the soul of its people.

from ₱337.05

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Peter Mansfield

The Arabs

from ₱251.10

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Reasons to read "The Arabs": - This book offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of Arab culture, history, and politics, providing a deep understanding of the Arab world. - With its extensive coverage of the history of the Arabs, the book is a must-read for anyone interested in learning about the rich and diverse Arab civilization. - Through its detailed examination of modern Arab states, the book sheds light on the religion, culture, traditions, and politics of the Arab people, offering valuable insights into their present-day influence. - Peter Mansfield's revised edition is highly regarded for its engaging style and meticulous research, making it a captivating and informative read.

from ₱251.10

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Bruce B. Lawrence

The Qur'an : A Biography

from ₱366.75

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Few books in history have been as poorly understood as the Qur'an. Sent down in a series of revelations to the Prophet Muhammad, the Qur'an is the unmediated word of Allah, a ritual, political, and legal authority, an ethical and spiritual guide, and a literary masterpiece.

from ₱366.75

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Sari Nusseibeh, Anthony David

Once Upon a Country: A Palestinian Life

from ₱440.55

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"Once Upon a Country" offers you the perspective of Sari Nusseibeh, a Palestinian intellectual deeply engaged in the struggle for peace. His narrative sheds light not just on historical events but on human experiences, emotions, and the relentless pursuit of dignity amidst conflict. If you're looking to understand the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through the eyes of someone who's lived it, this memoir invites you into the nuanced realities that only firsthand experience can convey.

from ₱440.55

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Mukhtar Mai

In The Name Of Honour

from ₱395.55

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In June 2002, Mukhtar Mai, a Pakistani woman from the impoverished village of Meerwala, was gang-raped by a local clan known as the Mastoi — punishment for indiscretions allegedly committed by the woman's brother. While certainly not the first account of a female body being negotiated for honor in a family, this time the survivor had bravely chosen to fight back. In doing so, Mai single-handedly changed the feminist movement in Pakistan, one of the world's most adverse climates for women. By July 2002, the Pakistani government awarded her the equivalent of 8,500 U.S. dollars in compensation money and sentenced her attackers to death — and Mukhtar Mai went on to open a school for girls so that future generations would not suffer, as she had, from illiteracy.In this rousing account, Mai describes her experience and how she has since become an agent for change and a beacon of hope for oppressed women around the world. Timely and topical, "In the Name of Honor" is the remarkable and inspirational memoir of a woman who fought and triumphed against exceptional odds.

from ₱395.55

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Bernard Lewis

The Middle East : A Brief History of the Last 2, 000 Years

from ₱334.35

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"The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years" is an excellent read for those interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the Middle East's past. Bernard Lewis provides readers with a detailed account of Middle Eastern history covering the political, social, and cultural transformations of the region. The book is well researched and engaging and would serve as an excellent resource for students of Middle Eastern history or a casual reader seeking knowledge on the region.

from ₱334.35

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Asia Bibi

Blasphemy : The true, heartbreaking story of the woman sentenced to death over a cup of water

from ₱287.55

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This book is a powerful account of the unjust persecution and imprisonment of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman accused of blasphemy in Pakistan. It provides a harrowing insight into the dangerous religious tensions and violence that still exist in parts of the world today. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in human rights issues or looking to understand the complexities of religion in the modern world.

from ₱287.55

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Zoltan Pall

Salafism in Lebanon : Local and Transnational Movements

Regular price ₱422.10 from ₱181.80 Save up to 57%

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This book is an insightful and in-depth analysis of the dynamics of non-violent Lebanese Salafi groups, shedding light on the lesser-known peaceful proselytization aspects of Salafism. It also explores the importance of transnational links, leading to the fragmentation of the Lebanese Salafi community. The book highlights how Salafism creates and mobilizes material and symbolic resources, reshaping the structures of authority within Lebanon's Sunni Muslim community. Highly recommended for those interested in understanding the complexity of Salafism in Lebanon beyond its association with violence.

Regular price ₱422.10 from ₱181.80 Save up to 57%

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John B. Carman

Majesty and Meekness : Comparative Study of Contrast and Harmony in the Concept of God

from ₱334.35

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This book is for readers exploring world religions. Carman presents a fascinating exploration of the nature of God by comparing diverse beliefs across various religions. He analyzes polarities such as justice/mercy and immanence/transcendence, highlighting their significance in shaping the understanding of God in different religions. Readers who are interested in comparative religion and seeking a deeper understanding of the divine will find this book thought-provoking.

from ₱334.35

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Steve Coll

The Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century

from ₱440.55

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"The Bin Ladens" is an intriguing window into the complexities of a family that epitomizes the intersections of global politics, religion, and capitalism. If you're fascinated by how personal histories intertwine with larger historical forces, this book offers a captivating journey through the Bin Laden family's rise against the backdrop of Saudi Arabia's evolution. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the interplay of culture, international relations, and the shaping of contemporary world events through the lens of a single, influential family.

from ₱440.55

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Islam And The Plight Of Modern Man

from ₱313.65

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This book could be a good read if you're interested in understanding the complex relationship between Islam and the modern world. With a keen focus on the clash between Islamic tradition and Western ideologies, the author delves deep into the struggles faced by Muslims today. Through insightful analysis and thoughtful exploration, this book offers a bridge between ancient wisdom and contemporary issues, making it an indispensable guide for anyone seeking a nuanced understanding of Islam's role in the modern era.

from ₱313.65

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Bernard Lewis

What Went Wrong? : The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East

Regular price ₱398.70 from ₱279.00 Save up to 30%

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"What Went Wrong?" provides a compelling analysis of the tumultuous changes that have occurred in the Middle East in recent centuries. Bernard Lewis's writing style is accessible and engaging, and his insights into the conflict between Islam and modernity are both nuanced and thought-provoking. This book is highly recommended for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the complex cultural dynamics that continue to shape the Middle East today.

Regular price ₱398.70 from ₱279.00 Save up to 30%

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David Cook

Understanding Jihad

Regular price ₱515.25 from ₱360.90 Save up to 30%

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Understanding Jihad could be an essential read for anyone looking to understand one of the most misunderstood concepts of our time. Through carefully researched narratives, the author demystifies the complex topic of jihad, breaking it down into easily accessible knowledge. As readers explore historical, intellectual, and political meanings, they gain insights into the role of Islam in contemporary society. This book could be an eye-opener and could help people separate facts from myths and distorted information.

Regular price ₱515.25 from ₱360.90 Save up to 30%

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Benjamin R. Barber

Jihad vs. McWorld : Terrorism's Challenge to Democracy

from ₱341.55

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Jihad vs. McWorld provides a thought-provoking analysis of the conflicts between capitalist globalization and tribal fundamentalism through a historical lens. It explains how these opposing forces are co-dependent, impacting democracy as we know it. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to delve into the complexities of today's global political landscape.

from ₱341.55

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Tariq Ramadan

The Quest for Meaning : Developing a Philosophy of Pluralism

from ₱330.30

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Recommendation: The Quest for Meaning by Tariq Ramadan offers a profound and insightful exploration of universal values such as love, respect, truth, and tolerance. It presents a philosophy of pluralism that unifies different traditions of thought and helps readers discover the beauty of what we have in common. This book is perfect for anyone seeking to broaden their perspective, gain a deeper understanding of humanity, and find peace in our shared values.

from ₱330.30

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Elena Biagi, Abu Abd ar-Rahman as-Sulami

A Collection Of Sufi Rules Of Conduct

from ₱251.10

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Recommendation: This book is a treasure trove of ancient Sufi wisdom that beautifully explores the process of achieving a deep connection with God through virtuous conduct. Filled with aphorisms and moral sayings, it offers a unique insight into Sufi thought and tradition. Whether you are a spiritual seeker or interested in Islamic theology, this enlightening guide will provide you with a profound understanding of the mystical path of the Sufis.

from ₱251.10

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Muhammad Ali

Religion of Islam, Revised

from ₱193.50

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Comprehensive and monumental work on the sources, principles, and practices of Islam. First publiched 1936.

from ₱193.50

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Tim Mackintosh-Smith, Martin Yeoman

Travels With A Tangerine - From Morocco To Turkey In The Footsteps Of Islam's Greatest Traveler

from ₱389.25

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In 1325, the great Arab traveler Ibn Battutah set out from his native Tangier in North Africa on pilgrimage to Mecca. By the time he returned nearly thirty years later, he had seen most of the known world, covering three times the distance allegedly traveled by the great Venetian explorer Marco Polo—some 75,000 miles in all.Captivated by Ibn Battutah’s account of his journey, the Arabic scholar and award-winning travel writer Tim Mackintosh-Smith set out to follow in the peripatetic Moroccan’s footsteps. Traversing Egyptian deserts and remote islands in the Arabian Sea, visiting castles in Syria and innumerable souks in medieval Islam’s great cities, Mackintosh-Smith sought clues to Ibn Battutah’s life and times, encountering the ghost of “IB” in everything from place names (in Tangier alone, a hotel, street, airport, and ferry bear IB’s name), to dietary staples to an Arabic online dating service— and introducing us to a world of unimaginable wonders.By necessity, Mackintosh-Smith’s journey may have cut some corners (“I only wish I had the odd thirty years to spare, and Ibn Battutah’s enviable knack of extracting large amounts of cash, robes and slaves from compliant rulers.”) But in this wry, evocative, and uniquely engaging travelogue, he spares no effort in giving readers an unforgettable glimpse into both the present-day and fourteenth-century Islamic worlds.

from ₱389.25

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Yahiya Emerick

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Islam, 3rd Edition : An In-Depth Look at One of the World s Most Important Religions

from ₱440.10

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This book is perfect for those who are curious to learn about the Islamic religion. With updated information and a comprehensive exploration of the tenets of the Koran, readers will walk away with a better understanding and appreciation of Islam. The author's clear and concise writing style make this book enjoyable for both beginners and those with prior knowledge of the religion.

from ₱440.10

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Yaroslav Trofimov

The Siege of Mecca : The Forgotten Uprising in Islam's Holiest Shrine

from ₱356.85

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For those interested in modern global jihad, this book offers a detailed, day-by-day account of the 1979 siege of Mecca, shedding light on how the events of that time contributed to the rise of al Qaeda. Through interviews with direct participants and secret documents, the author provides a comprehensive, informative, and illuminating account of the siege.

from ₱356.85

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Leila Ahmed

A Quiet Revolution : The Veil's Resurgence, from the Middle East to America

from ₱939.60

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In Cairo in the 1940s, Leila Ahmed was raised by a generation of women who never dressed in the veils and headscarves their mothers and grandmothers had worn. To them, these coverings seemed irrelevant to both modern life and Islamic piety. Today, however, the majority of Muslim women throughout the Islamic world again wear the veil. Why, Ahmed asks, did this change take root so swiftly, and what does this shift mean for women, Islam, and the West? When she began her study, Ahmed assumed that the veil's return indicated a backward step for Muslim women worldwide. What she discovered, however, in the stories of British colonial officials, young Muslim feminists, Arab nationalists, pious Islamic daughters, American Muslim immigrants, violent jihadists, and peaceful Islamic activists, confounded her expectations. Ahmed observed that Islamism, with its commitments to activism in the service of the poor and in pursuit of social justice, is the strain of Islam most easily and naturally merging with western democracies' own tradition of activism in the cause of justice and social change. It is often Islamists, even more than secular Muslims, who are at the forefront of such contemporary activist struggles as civil rights and women's rights. Ahmed's surprising conclusions represent a near reversal of her thinking on this topic. Richly insightful, intricately drawn, and passionately argued, this absorbing story of the veil's resurgence, from Egypt through Saudi Arabia and into the West, suggests a dramatically new portrait of contemporary Islam.

from ₱939.60

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Asad Tarsin

Being Muslim: A Practical Guide

from ₱192.15

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Being A Practical Guide is a new book written to help Muslims of all backgrounds learn and practice their faith. Being Muslim is a compilation of essential concepts and timeless wisdom compiled from over 20 reliable authorities in Islam, bringing all of these components together in one convenient, easily readable guide. This book is meant to give readers practical and useful knowledge that can help them understand what it means to be Muslim. Whether you are completely new to the religion or need to brush up on some of the basics, Being Muslim is an excellent guide to reconnect to the most essential aspects of Islam. The entire manual clearly explains the most fundamental aspects of the faith and assumes no background knowledge at all.

from ₱192.15

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Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Generation M : Young Muslims Changing the World

from ₱439.65

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"Generation M is a fantastic read for individuals wanting to understand the intersection between faith and modernity in Muslim youth. The author investigates how this generation is reclaiming western culture while adapting it to their values. This book offers a detailed, thoughtful delve into the evolving cultural phenomenon that is Generation M."

from ₱439.65

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Geraldine Brooks

Nine Parts Of Desire - The Hidden World Of Islamic Women

from ₱192.15

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"Nine Parts Of Desire" is a must-read for those who seek to understand and appreciate the complex lives of Islamic women. The author's well-researched insights offer a refreshing counter-narrative to the one-dimensional portrayal of Muslim women in the West. This book is perfect for those interested in feminist discourse and is looking to broaden their understanding of the complexities of Islamic culture.

from ₱192.15

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Amjad M. Mohammed

Muslims In Non-Muslim Lands - A Legal Study With Applications

from ₱313.65

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This book could be a good read for Muslims living as minorities in Western secular nations, who are seeking guidance on how to integrate into society while staying true to their faith. Amjad M. Mohammed presents traditional Islamic law as a flexible and relevant legal system that can help Muslims navigate various challenges in areas such as work, diet, healthcare, finance, and politics. By exploring the concept of political-legal jurisdictions and providing rulings for different situations, this book offers practical guidance for Muslims living in non-Muslim lands.

from ₱313.65

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