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"Second Chance by Jane Green is a heartwarming and emotional story of a group of friends rediscovering their friendship after a tragedy. Through their shared grief, they learn valuable lessons about life, love, and family. The book is beautifully written with a perfect balance of humor and heart, making it a great read for anyone who enjoys stories about the strength of human connection."

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Second Chance

ISBN: 9780452289697
₱242.55 PHP
-30% Was: ₱346.50 PHP
Estimated First-hand Retail Price: ₱485.55
Authors: Jane Green
Publisher: Penguin Us
Date of Publication: 2008-01-01
Format: Paperback
Goodreads rating: 3.56
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"Second Chance by Jane Green is a heartwarming and emotional story of a group of friends rediscovering their friendship after a tragedy. Through their shared grief, they learn valuable lessons about life, love, and family. The book is beautifully written with a perfect balance of humor and heart, making it a great read for anyone who enjoys stories about the strength of human connection."

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!