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Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman

Condition: Very Good



Was: ₱488.81

This book is a thought-provoking critique of the patriarchal biases within the black political movement of the sixties. Michele Wallace fearlessly challenges the traditional myths of black womanhood and sheds light on the marginalization of women within the culture of Black Power. A must-read for anyone interested in understanding the intersections of race, gender, and power, as well as the ongoing relevance of these issues in contemporary feminist and black theory debates.

Status Anxiety

Condition: Very Good


Alain de Botton has a talent for making philosophy accessible, and in "Status Anxiety" he turns his attention to a very personal aspect of our lives: our social status and how we feel about it. This book could be a breath of fresh psychological air, especially if you've been feeling the weight of social expectations. It’s like having a calm conversation with a wise friend who helps you understand why you feel the way you do and offers a different perspective on how to cope with these often unspoken anxieties.
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An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions

Condition: Very Good



Was: ₱612.56

If you're intrigued by the intricate blend of economic growth and social challenges in modern India, "An Uncertain Glory" offers an eye-opening perspective. Drèze masterfully combines rigorous research with a compelling narrative that sheds light on the contradictory realities of a nation grappling with profound disparities. It's an essential read for anyone interested in understanding the multifaceted issues facing one of the world's largest democracies.

Disabling Amer

Condition: Well Read


"Disabling America" dives deep into how society constructs disability, offering an eye-opening perspective that challenges us to reconsider our preconceived notions. It's not just academic; it's a book that could change the way you see the world around you, enriching your understanding of inclusivity and diversity.
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The Disconnect: A Personal Journey Through the Internet

Condition: Very Good



Was: ₱612.56

"The Disconnect" delves into our intricate relationship with the internet, making it a compelling read. If you've felt the blur between your digital and physical existence, this book echoes that sentiment with relatable experiences and piercing insights. Róisín Kiberd invites us into a conversation many of us are already having with ourselves about the depth of our online entanglement and its profound impact on our lives. It’s a modern exploration that's as thought-provoking as it is personally resonant.
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The Undoing Project : A Friendship That Changed Our Minds

Condition: Very Good



Was: ₱1,053.64

This book could be a good read for someone who is curious about how the human mind works and wants to delve into the world of decision-making. Michael Lewis vividly recounts the groundbreaking work of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, whose collaboration in the field of behavioral economics reshaped our understanding of reality. Through their extraordinary lives and research, this book offers a captivating exploration of the power of intuition, the limitations of human judgment, and the potential of algorithms to shape our lives. Get ready to have your mind blown and gain new insights into the workings of your own mind.

The Post-American World: And the Rise of the Rest

Condition: Very Good


Recommendation: The Post-American World is an eye-opening read for anyone who wants to understand the shift of economic and political power from the West to the East. Zakaria provides insightful analysis and explores the challenges and opportunities of living in a globalized world. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to stay informed on current events and understand the complexities of international relations.

Outliers: The Story of Success

Condition: Well Read


'Outliers' isn't just an analysis of success; it’s a revelation about impactful factors we often overlook. Malcolm Gladwell takes you on a journey through the lives of those who've excelled, making you ponder if you're considering the whole success-equation. It’s an intriguing invitation to view success through the lens of cultural and circumstantial intricacies. If you're ready to have your perspective shifted and to question the conventional wisdom regarding how individuals achieve greatness, this book will not disappoint you.
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The Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire

Condition: Well Read



Was: ₱303.19

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the state of global politics and crave an incisive voice that cuts through the noise, Arundhati Roy's "The Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire" is for you. Roy takes no prisoners as she examines injustices and challenges democratic ideals, making this collection a provoking commentary that's perfect if you're looking to fuel your activism with informed perspectives.

Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World

Condition: Very Good


If you've ever felt out of place in the loud, bustling world, "The Introvert's Way" offers a comforting arm around your shoulder. Sophia Dembling validates the quiet existence and provides a steady stream of insights that resonate deeply with those who thrive on introspection. By reframing introversion as a set of strengths rather than weaknesses, this book isn't just a read; it's a quiet revolution for the soul, empowering you to embrace the power of a hushed but deeply meaningful way of living.

An Introduction to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture

Condition: Very Good


You might like this book if you're intrigued by the myriad ways culture shapes society and vice versa. John Storey provides a comprehensive roadmap to understanding the influential theories and methods that dissect popular culture. It's a thought-provoking journey that offers fresh perspectives on the often-overlooked complexities of the culture we consume daily. Whether you're a student of culture or simply curious, this book lays out a clear path to deeper insight.
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War and Anti-War : Survival at the Dawn of the 21st Century

Condition: Well Read



Was: ₱558.64

This book investigates the complex relationship between war and the global economy, providing a unique perspective on the nature of conflict in the 21st century. Through their deep analysis, leading futurists Alvin Toffler paint a vivid picture of the future face of war. If you are intrigued by the intersection of warfare and economic activity, this book is an enlightening and thought-provoking read that will challenge your understanding of warfare in the modern world.
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The Authority Gap: Why Women Are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men, and What We Can Do About It

Condition: Very Good



Was: ₱764.50

"The Authority Gap" is an eye-opener that might stir something within you, especially if you're committed to personal growth and social justice. Mary Ann Sieghart lays bare the often-subconscious biases we carry and offers clear-cut insights into how these perceptions shape the professional and personal worlds of women. By the end of it, not only will you reflect on how you perceive authority and gender, but you'll also be armed with knowledge to make tangible changes in your daily interactions. This book could be the catalyst for your journey towards true equality.

The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830

Condition: Well Read


"The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830" by Paul Johnson provides a sweeping, multifaceted panorama of an era teeming with progress and change. If you're keen on understanding how the modern world was shaped amidst the whirlwind of industrial, political, and cultural revolutions, this book threads together the defining moments and figures that sculpted our contemporary landscape. It's a substantial read that connects the past's dots to present a vivid tapestry of human advancement.
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America: A Singapore Perspective

Condition: Very Good



Was: ₱487.93

This book could be a good read for Singaporeans who are interested in gaining an in-depth understanding of America from a unique perspective. With contributions from 29 Singaporean writers, including former ambassadors and experts in various fields, this book provides insights into America's governance, economy, foreign policy, and culture. It is a comprehensive collection of essays that sheds light on the complexities and nuances of the relationship between Singapore and the United States. Whether you're a student, a scholar, or simply curious about the dynamics between the two countries, this book offers a valuable perspective that will expand your knowledge and broaden your understanding.
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Condition: Very Good



Was: ₱700.07

Wikinomics is a great read for entrepreneurs looking to leverage on the power of collaboration and open-source production to create competitive advantages. Tapscott provides valuable insights on how these new business models restructure corporations, improve customer experiences, and increase innovation. A must-read for anyone interested in understanding how the evolving digital landscape is changing the fundamentals of business.
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The World is Flat : The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century

Condition: Well Read



Was: ₱435.41

If you're intrigued by how technology bridges distances and creates a competitive global marketplace, "The World is Flat" is for you. Thomas L. Friedman takes you on a journey, explaining the complexities of globalization in a relatable way. It's like having a savvy guide walk you through the economic and social shifts that are shaping our interconnected world. With insights that can help you understand current events and what they mean for the future, this book feels like a necessary manual for anyone living in the 21st century.
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How Women Work: Fitting In and Standing Out in Asia

Condition: Well Read



Was: ₱460.06

If you're navigating the complex nexus of culture and leadership in Asia, "How Women Work: Fitting In and Standing Out in Asia" could be incredibly insightful for you. Especially for women forging a path in leadership across diverse Asian contexts, this book offers a tapestry of experiences and strategies that resonate with the unique challenges faced. It's a lens into the balance between adapting and asserting oneself in professional environments that are rich in tradition yet rapidly modernizing.


Condition: Well Read


Recommendations: - This book could be a great read for any man who wants to enhance their attractiveness and success in dating and relationships. By combining evidence-driven research with humor, Tucker Max and Geoffrey Miller provide practical strategies for self-improvement and showing one's best self to potential partners. - If you are looking to understand what women truly desire in men and how to deliver it, "Mate" is the perfect book for you. With over 20 years of research and practical experience, Tucker Max and Geoffrey Miller have created a seriously funny playbook that will teach you how to become a more sexually attractive and romantically successful man, all while being authentic and true to yourself. So why wait? Start your journey towards finding Ms. Right today!

The Invisible Gorilla : And Other Ways Our Intuition Deceives Us

Condition: Well Read


Recommendations: - This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the tricks our brains play on us. Through captivating real-life examples, Chabris and Simons explain how our intuition can deceive us in surprising ways, from missing obvious details like a gorilla in a basketball game to making faulty judgments. By shedding light on these mental illusions, the book offers practical advice on how to make better decisions and minimize the negative impact of our flawed intuition. Get ready to have your mind blown and gain a fresh perspective on clear thinking. - If you've ever wondered why people sometimes miss the obvious or how even experts can make costly mistakes, this book is for you. Chabris and Simons delve into the fascinating world of cognitive illusions, using the famous "invisible gorilla" experiment as a starting point. Their engaging writing style, combined with thought-provoking insights, makes this book a pleasure to read. Prepare to challenge your assumptions about your own perception and gain valuable tools for improving decision-making in your daily life.

David and Goliath : Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

Condition: Well Read


This book is a game-changer that challenges conventional wisdom about power dynamics. With compelling anecdotes and thoughtful analysis, Gladwell explores the untapped potential of those who defy odds and conquer giants. Through captivating storytelling, he invites readers to reconsider their perception of strength and inspires them to embrace their own hidden strengths. Prepare to be inspired and empowered as you discover the extraordinary capabilities that lie within you.
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Love And Marriage In Mumbai

Condition: Well Read



Was: ₱487.93

- This book offers a raw and honest portrayal of love and marriage in the bustling city of Mumbai. It brings forth the complexities and challenges that couples face in their relationships, while also highlighting the vibrant culture and traditions of the city. If you're interested in exploring different perspectives on love, and want a realistic glimpse into the lives of couples in Mumbai, this book is for you.

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Condition: Well Read


This book is perfect for those who want to understand the power of their instincts and the art of quick decision-making. Malcolm Gladwell intriguingly explores the realm of snap judgments and uncovers how our unconscious mind provides us with valuable information in an instant. Through captivating stories, he challenges the idea that all quick decisions are rash and hasty, showing how they can be incredibly accurate. Prepare to have your perspective on snap judgments completely transformed.

The Culture of Contentment

Condition: Well Read


If you're intrigued by the intricate relationship between politics, economics, and social stagnation, "The Culture of Contentment" could be an insightful read for you. Galbraith masterfully uses the climate of the late 20th century to probe into the sense of satisfaction that can often precede serious societal challenges. Whether you're a history buff or just keen on understanding the cyclic nature of contentment and crisis, this book will offer a thought-provoking analysis.
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Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories

Condition: Well Read



Was: ₱488.81

This book is a fascinating exploration of the human inclination to believe in conspiracy theories. It uncovers the reasons why people are drawn to these theories, especially when they feel discontented or distrustful. With a blend of psychological research and historical examples, Suspicious Minds provides a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the world of conspiracy thinking. If you've ever wondered why people believe in such theories, this book will offer you valuable insights and leave you questioning your own beliefs.
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Half The Sky : How to Change the World

Condition: Well Read



Was: ₱227.12

"Half The Sky" isn't just a book; it's a call to action. If you're drawn to stories where adversity confronts courage, where real accounts can fuel not just awareness but inspire real change, this book will resonate with you. Kristof and WuDunn don't simply chronicle injustices—they frame the fight for equality as our time's most pivotal challenge. This read is for you if you're ready to be part of that conversation.

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

Condition: Like New


Review: Freakonomics is a mind-bending journey that unravels the hidden patterns and surprising correlations that govern our daily lives. With a fresh perspective and sharp analysis, Steven D. Levitt delves into peculiar topics like the impact of names on success, the strange similarities between estate agents and the Ku Klux Klan, and even the secret lives of drug dealers. This intriguing book challenges conventional wisdom and invites readers to question the world around them, offering a fascinating glimpse into the invisible forces that shape our society. A must-read for those seeking to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface of everyday life.

Digital State: How the Internet is Changing Everything

Condition: Very Good


If you're curious about the tectonic shifts in the digital landscape, "Digital State" might just enlighten you. As our lives and economies become increasingly digitized, understanding the mechanics and effects of this transformation is crucial. Simon Pont, alongside a team of specialists, dives into the profound influence of the Internet on both consumer behavior and business strategy, making it an essential read if you're looking to stay ahead in the digital game.
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The Shallows : How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember

Condition: Very Good



Was: ₱634.76

The Shallows is a thought-provoking book that explores how the internet is changing our way of thinking, reading and remembering. Nicholas Carr argues that our heavy reliance on the internet is causing us to lose our ability to concentrate deeply and think critically. This book is recommended for anyone who is interested in how technology is shaping our lives and wants to understand the pros and cons of our digital world. The most unique and distinctive feature of this book is its ability to make readers reflect on their own internet usage and its impact on their mental and social well-being.

Explorations In Classical Sociological Theory: Seeing The Social World - Seeing The Social World

Condition: Well Read


This book opens doors to the stalwarts of sociological thought in a way that's accessible and engaging, especially if you're just stepping into the realm of sociology. Kenneth Allan distills complex concepts into understandable language, making classical theories relevant to current issues. If you're eager to understand how the social world is constructed through the eyes of the greats, this is your guide.